Volunteer With KLT

Volunteers are important at Kennebunk Land Trust! We rely on loyal volunteers throughout the year to help us complete significant work in the office, on the trail, and at special events. Your valuable time, talent, and energy has a positive impact and we are thankful for all of our dedicated volunteers!  If you would like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities please call us at 207-985-8734 or complete our form below and describe in the comments section what types of volunteer opportunities you are interested in exploring.  Join us!


Volunteer with KLT!

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with KLT! We value your support. Let us know what kind of volunteering you'd like to do, such as Acquisition, Development or Stewardship committees, board appointments, and other volunteer opportunities!
  • Fields with * are required. Kennebunk Land Trust values your privacy and will NEVER submit your information to a third party. For more information, see our privacy policy.